• 1-800-Flowers.com homepage fall design purple flowers harvest happiness birthday gifts
  • 1-800-Flowers.com purple flowers harvest happiness birthday gifts
  • 1-800-Flowers.com homepage e-commerce it's not too late


How to not only bring a fresh new look to a leading floral e-commerce website, but through data-driven design find the best approach to improving CTR and overall sales.

Even when your products are beautiful flowers; designing a site is never just about the pretty. Examining Coremetrics Web Analytics results we were able to gleam which areas of the site were the hot spots being clicked on most (In this case Find a Gift Fast (FAGF)). Thus in conjunction with designing seasonal campaigns that included emails, banners, Interactive, Digital Billboards and a homepage that championed key product Merchandise; FAGF was always front and center to bring it all home.

We also found that although Flash animation brought a fresh look to the site, for E-commerce it was underperforming against strategically designed static imagery. We were able to achieve a balance between data-driven design and beautifully crafted campaigns that elevated the brand as well as sales.

Services: UX/UI design, Web Design, Data-driven Design, Art Direction, Flash, Interactive Design, Image retouching.