Cloak & Dagger Mobile App

A startup challenged us to design a mobile app targeted to victims of online identity theft, that not only masked their identities but actually made the user want to use the app.

While common sense will make you think of retirees in Florida as the usual victims of identity theft, our User Research showed that most victims are now actually much younger and mostly women. Once we developed our Persona, our competitive analysis further showed that other security apps in the market were tone deaf — heavy-handed fonts, rabid dogs with spiked collar as their logo — and we knew the user experience should be designed to be more inclusive.

Furthermore, although an app could be created to quietly mask a user’s identity in the background; we thought why not make it fun and more interesting to use? To that end our App offered the user a chance to choose from a number of aliases based on characters. Much like The Sims or Westworld; a user could choose to be a farmer, a physicist or a surfer.

With that goal in mind, along with interviewing an actual victim of ID; we sketched out User Scenarios to make sure our App’s features would address all needs. Wireframe sketches filled in all the gaps until we were ready to prototype and design hi-fidelity screens. Leveraging Google's Material UI Kit, the UI was to be sleeker, the typeface and colors lighter and more inviting. All while still reassuring the user this was an app that would make you safer and more secure online. We dubbed the app — Cloak & Dagger — for a sexier, more mysterious spy-like take on cloaking technology, secret aliases and defensive security. The result was a fresh and inviting App that was on-target for a new generation of ID users and both protected their identities and made it fun to use.

Services: Mobile App Design, UX, UI, Interactive Design.